About Kathryn Fox – Storyteller – Physician – Speaker
Kathryn Fox has been described as ‘everyone’s ideal dinner guest.’
And when you meet her you quickly realize why.
Kathryn is positive, funny and engaging. You find yourself trusting her and connecting quickly with her warm and generous soul.
Kathryn is a fascinating person to talk to. She’s a physician with a special interest in forensic medicine and a heap of shocking real-life stories to tell. And of course she’s also a best-selling author.
Following her huge global success Kathryn could just rest on her laurels… but her passion for human behaviour keeps driving her forwards into new areas.
Here are some excerpts from a recent interview which reveals more about the person behind the success.
Kathryn what are your latest projects?
‘Right now, a lot is going on, which is exciting. I’m writing another book, developing a TV series and working on a film screenplay. I fit in speaking engagements and creative writing workshops whenever possible because I find connecting with people is like adrenalin for my soul.‘
You could just be sitting back and enjoying a life – why do you work so hard?
‘I think what drives me is that I know I am in a unique place to offer insights which can really help people in their daily lives.
My time spent in forensic medicine forming relationships with murderers, victims, police, lawyers and prisoners and their families was inspirational. It gives me incredible and unique insight into what motivates us and makes us behave the way we do. Researching and writing so many books and articles over the last few years has further deepened my understanding of human behavior.
Through speaking and in my writing I can pass this knowledge on in an engaging way so people really ‘get it’.
I love to challenge audiences to look at situations in new ways. This can help relationships bringing success in business and happiness at home.’
So you help people to stop locking horns?
‘Yes that’s right. I show people how to take a step sideways and look from another view point. As soon as they do that they can see there are other equally valid ways to see the world and they might then see a new solution to an old problem.’
Kathryn has authored numerous bestselling and internationally acclaimed novels She is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners with a special interest in forensic medicine.
Her wealth of knowledge and communication skills is frequently in demand in the media. She has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, in Australia and internationally. These include Sunrise, Today, Mornings, The Conversation Hour, The Book Show, Sky News and BBC Women’s hour.
She has appeared on the cover of Good Reading magazine and Romantic Times in the US, debunking the myth that a cover girl has to be starved, botoxed and surgically enhanced.
Kathryn is involved in a literacy programme for remote, disadvantaged and indigenous communities. And she regularly tours Australia as part of the government literacy initiative Get Reading!
You can read Kathryn’s Books here or inspire your audience by booking her as a speaker at your next event.